Track Project Progress with AI-Driven Change Detection
A company was constructing a new chemical plant and wanted to monitor construction progress daily to gauge completion rate and compare with design to identify any quality issues. They used to rely on EPC contractor progress reports and some project management team physical visit to the site.
One of the AIGC experts was on a team who deployed drones to monitor this project progress. The drones capture and document the entire construction site in hours rather than days. It visualizes changes to a site over time, integrate the data with significant site planning applications and uses AI-driven change detection to report the progress to management including possible significant defects that may be fatal and detrimental to the structures with the type and severity of the defects.
- Significant improvement to the project progress reporting with a quick and cost-effective resolution of issues and disputes
- Timely identification of major defects with severity and impacts which helps in minimizing change orders and projects delays
- Better alignment and setting responsibilities among construction parties which minimizes construction delays and improve activities planning